In Search of Truth

Hi welcome all to Surreal Thought. I'm dedicating this blog to philosophical discourse and occaisionally will have some mind blowing poetry for all to read and ponder upon. If you enjoy reading the content please add me to your followers list or shoot me an e-mail and I will send you an alert personally each time I have a new post. I encourage all to leave comments, ideas and questions for me. Thanks and lets explore the truth together.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome all!

This is an introductory Blog to express the topic of TRUTH in this world as we perceive it. There are so many different understandings to the idea of truth. The question is do you know what truth is? Philosophers of the past have broken up theories of truth into four sub categories: Subjective truth, relative truth, objective truth and absolute truth. For the purpose of this discussion and because it is probably the most popular of all philosophical truths I will discuss the idea of ABSOLUTE TRUTH. This is the truth that is literally out of this world. For theologists there is only one absolute truth, in fact the very word "absolute" is believed to be the supreme being, God. What this means is that nothing that we know to be true is true. Not even 1 + 1 = 2. How can this be you ask? Well if one were to take a theologists approach to life then every thing we know in this world is either subjective, relative or objective. Even 1 + 1 = 2 can be seen as subjective, relative or objective.

For example if you had one cup of juice and poured it into a cup and took another cup of juice and poured it into the same cup (assuming that the cup is big enough) you would still only have one cup of juice. Which means that 1 cup + 1 cup = 1 cup. Which also means that 1 + 1 = 1, not 2. You could argue that 2 cups of juice were poured into one cup and therefore explain it as such. In that case it would become relative to the situation. Weather subjective, relative or objective it seems that absolute truth is unattainable. Truth is always skewed by one's perception. Is there anything that we as human beings can be certain off? Perhaps finding an absolute truth would mean answering life's biggest question. Do you know the truth? Lets explore!

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